Terms & Policies

all the small print and legal bits that protect us and our customers.

Trustco PLC

Our legal information can be found here, if you have any additional questions, please contact us here.

Registered in England, company number:

VAT number:

Registered office:
30-34 North Street
BN27 1DW

Our Policy Documents

Click on the items in the list to view each of our policies. We update these occasionally, and we update our customers when these changes affect them.

We also have more minor business policies that are not always listed here. If you have any queries about how we operate and have a question you need answering, just get in touch and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

Privacy Policy

Find out how we handle your data

privacy policy

Modern Slavery Statement

Read our full statement

modern slavery

Modern Slavery Assessment Report

Conducted by the UK Government

download the report

General Terms & Conditions

The general terms that cover our services

general T&Cs

Environmental Policy

We love our planet and go beyond legal requirements

environmental policy

Quality Policy

Our commitment to our customers and their service

quality policy